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Photographs and short video clips were taken of the students and teachers that demonstrated the core things TCS wanted to represent.  This video was a way for prospective families to engage in information received and see it in "real life".

Trinity Christian School
Branding and Web Design

Trinity Christian School was looking for a brand makeover.  They wanted to attract families to their school by providing them with an interactive and personal experience that would help others to see what their school was all about.  After holding some meetings with administration and faculty we were able to better narrow down what the school most wanted to represent and how we would do that through a strategic branding plan that not only got people engaged but would help people to clearly understand what the school was all about, why it was different, and why it was a great choice for their child.

The new video was placed on the homepage as a first experience for those who were interested in the school.  A calendar of upcoming events also ran on the homepage as a way to also demonstrate the variety of activities that the school offers.  A new social media page was started and a direct link to it was placed on the homepage as a call to action.

Three-fold brochures were created and a holder was placed outside at each entrance to the school as well as within the main office.  This provided interested families with some information and a great first impression even if the school was closed.

Postcards were designed to mail out to provide information about TCS to local families.  Target demographics were identified and mailing lists were purchased.  These were mailed out twice per year and included in the welcome packets for families who visited the school.

In order to increase interest, several open houses were planned throughout the year.  This postcard was designed to inform people about these open houses.  



Tina's ability to "think outside of the box" helped to open new avenues of exposure for our school in the community that had not been available to us prior.

-Rodney, Headmaster of Trinity Christian School

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