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inspiration board c3kc.jpg

Inspiration Board that guided the re-branding process.

website home c3kc.jpg

Homepage featuring full width video of 1-3 second clips of camp highlights.

Channel 3 Kids Camp
Branding & Web Design

Channel 3 Kids Camp was approaching it's 110th year as a camp and wanted a fresh look that visually mirrored its mission which focused on providing traditional camping experiences to all children. The camp wanted a more nature-based theme that was simple and clean and a website that was easy to navigate. 


I created an inspiration board to put all of the concepts together so that it could be visually analyzed. Colors, textures, line styles, and fonts were carefully planned to reflect the nature based simplicity that modernized tradition.  


I created a video with 1-3 second clips of camp highlights so that viewers could get an overview experience of what a day at camp looked like. This video was placed on the homepage as an engaging visual intro for visitors to the website. 


A new logo that focused on nature was created that kept things simple by using one color. The color chosen (dark green) was chosen because it reflected the nature theme. 1910 was such an important piece in the re-brand that I included it in the logo to emphasize the length of history the camp had with the community.


All new stationary designs were part of this project. Everything from business cards to letterhead along with all of the camp's handout needed to be updated to this new look. 


New logo featuring a nature-focused color and concept.

business card c3kc.jpg
business card back c3kc.jpg

Business Cards featuring re-branded look; front and back.

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Envelope front.

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Envelope back.

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